Tag Archives: motherhood

Momma kitty


My youngest loves cats and kittens. A recent visit to the library netted her this book, which became our bedtime “story.”


Ridiculously cute, am I right?

For kicks and giggles, I was subtly adding words in my “reading voice.”

For instance (not a direct quote from the book): “Cats are fun and playful just like Momma.”

“Cats are beautiful and smart just like Momma.”

Then my husband walks in and says, Read the rest of this entry

Life with girls


It started as a run-of-the-mill laundry sorting, which led to an underwear fight, which I may or may not have taken part in. (There are no witnesses. I deny everything.)

And it somehow culminated in this lovely addition to my wall candle decoration.

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Not exactly a glass-half-full kind of kid


My husband missed dinner because a work meeting ran long. As I was serving our youngest her food she said, “It feels like Dad died.”

“That’s a sad thing to say!”

She looked down, thought about it for a while, and then changed her statement to Read the rest of this entry

Ol’ What’s-His-Name


Here’s one from my draft slush pile that I just rediscovered and found rather amusing. The timing is off, but hey….

The night before Thanksgiving my sister took her daughter to New York City to watch the balloons being blown up for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade.  On the way to the city her four-year-old asked, Read the rest of this entry

What do kids know anyway?


When my daughter was about three-years-old, we were playing in her room one morning . I had not even showered, brushed my hair, or anything.  We were sitting on the floor and hugging each other, and she looked up at me and said, Read the rest of this entry

Everyone needs to pull her weight. Or eat her weight.

Rice Krispies

“Snap, crackle, pop”? More like “Crunch, crunch, crunch” as they’re stepped on.

I told my six and four-year-old girls that, no, they cannot open that new box of cereal they want until they finish some of the plethora of nearly finished cereal boxes we already have. They agreed and began eating some of the old cereal without complaint, so I walked away to get some work done.

After a while I decided it had gotten rather quiet in the kitchen. Too quiet.

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The bird flies at midnight

Post Honey Bunches of Oats with Pecan Bunches

Post Honey Bunches of Oats with Pecan Bunches (Photo credit: theimpulsivebuy)

We have cold cereal for breakfast almost every morning. The names of the different brands of cereal have gotten lost in toddler translation. One of our three-year-old’s favorites is “Honey Bunches of Oats”, but when we ask her what she’d like to eat she says: Read the rest of this entry

Lord, let me blend in with the wall!

St. Peter's Basilica at Early Morning

St. Peter’s Basilica at Early Morning (Photo credit: Wikipedia) P.S. This wasn’t the church I was at!

When my youngest was born, she made her first church appearance just a few days later. Being understandably tired, we didn’t make it to our usual Mass, but went to an 11:00 a.m. at a church I’m not as familiar with. The baby slept wonderfully through Mass until just before the end. When she began to cry, I picked her up and looked around for a private hidey-hole in which to discreetly feed her. Then I spotted a folding  chair in a dark corner, far from any people. Perfect!

A minute later, Mass was over and I soon discovered a crucial architectural structure that I had previously overlooked: Read the rest of this entry

I think I’ll walk down a different aisle.


I’ll take the stripey ones on bottom, if you don’t mind.

My daughter was helping me shop for a wedding present. The bride had registered at Kohl’s and I had a copy of her registry. I decided to buy a sheet set. When we got to the linen section, I handed the list to my daughter.

“Just read off the first few letters of the merchandise number,” I told her, “so I can find the right sheets.” I started down the sheet aisle. Behind me my daughter called out in a clear, loud voice, over and over, Read the rest of this entry

Don’t read this one if you’ve just eaten.


With our fifth child, I stopped carrying a diaper bag around. I just stuff a diaper and a baggie of wipes in my purse. The problem with this is that I have only one diaper and if I use it, I sometimes forget to refill my purse before leaving again.

Well, this time we were at our cabin for the last time this summer and were eating out at a local restaurant. Andrew had eaten corn out of a can earlier that day and a lot of something else I can’t remember. We were all sitting down enjoying our burgers when Andrew ripped a loud one. For some reason I didn’t think anything of it; we just snickered a little bit and finished our meal. Read the rest of this entry