Tag Archives: married life

Who wears the apron in the family–Husband Stories, part 1


Nearing dinner time, my husband walked into the bedroom and discovered me wrapped in a blanket, with a book in my hands. He prudently announced that he would make dinner.

Out in the kitchen, our eight-year-old asked him, “What’s for dinner?”

He said, “Sausage.”

“How do you know? Did mom tell you?” Read the rest of this entry

Male logic–Husband Stories, part 3


The realization occurred to me suddenly that my husband will soon be turning 38. “My gosh! You’re almost 40?!” I exclaimed, very charitably.

“Don’t worry, honey. It’s two years away. . . Read the rest of this entry

The back-firing of honey-dos–Husband Stories, part 2

Cleaning Supplies

Cleaning Supplies (Photo credit: Backdoor Survival) If the picture weren’t labeled, I’d have no idea what these items were!

I suggested to my husband that he take the child lock off the kitchen cupboard that hides our trash can. Our kids are old enough to stay out the trash now. In fact, the littlest tries to throw stuff away (that should be thrown away–not car keys). So he did, but asked if he should take the lock off the adjoining cupboard as well.

“No, that has the cleaning supplies in it. We can wait a little longer with that one.”

To which he replied, Read the rest of this entry