Tag Archives: Fourth grade

As heard in a fourth grade classroom, part 2


Here’s something months-old from my draft folder. It’s all I have the energy for. My youngest is six, so I am very surprised to find myself in the woes of a first trimester all over again. I’ve not been so attentive of mine or other’s blogs lately. Please forgive me.

Girl Student (teary eyed): My finger really hurts…

Me (blowing a kiss onto her finger): There we go! When I taught kindergarten a couple years ago, every time I blew a kiss on someone’s owie then it healed VERY soon. My students said my boo-boo kisses were like magic! I sure hope I still have my touch!!

Girl Student (rubbing her finger): Nope. You don’t have it anymore.

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As heard in a fourth grade classroom


One of my students lent me a book. “I’ll bring it back to you on Monday,” I told her. She replied in a semi-condescending tone, “Ummm, no, Mrs. P., you won’t be able to finish it by then. Not with all YOUR homework!”

Assisting a student with a question on her science test, I read, “Which of the following three things would make a good conductor of electricity?”
“Can you give me a hint?” she asked.
“Sorry, Sweetie, I can’t give any hints. I can only read the question.”
“Well, the only conductors I know of are Read the rest of this entry