So it’s come to this


First, I was on crutches. Then, a friend asked if I’d like to borrow her knee scooter. Sweet armpit relief! Plus, the scooter meant having a hand free to carry stuff rather than relying on family members to take my mug to my desk or my food to the table. Forget about carrying a laundry basket! (I actually enjoy doing laundry. Don’t judge.)

This knee scooter has the added benefit of motivating my son to go to bed if I promise him a ride to his room.

The downside to the scooter is it eventually began hurting my knee, despite the extra padding Hubby added. I also made the realization too late that I needed to take better care of my one working foot. It wasn’t until I posted this on Twitter:

A kind-hearted soul replied: “You need to be wearing more supportive footwear than that on your functional foot. Your good foot takes a lot of extra punishment and you want to take care of the one foot that’s doing all the work!”

And here I’d been occasionally hopping, because sometimes it was just easier, barefoot on our tile floor. No wonder my good foot hurt.

I’ve since instituted a constant as-cushy-as-I-have shoe routine despite our usual “no shoes in the house” rule. It’s helping, I think.

Last weekend, I attempted grocery shopping with Hubby for the first time in two months. To the first store, I took the scooter, and my knee suffered. To the second, I opted for the crutches, and my stepping foot was not happy to the point where I chucked my crutches in the cart and attempted to ride on the end like a six-year-old.

Turns out out, this was not an improvement.

When I returned home, I did this:

Note that my injured foot is feeling fine in comparison. Also, check me out! Actual ice packs instead of frozen vegetables!

Which is how we’ve come to this:

Ironically, this borrowed wheelchair has no foot rests, but keeping my legs up is good exercise, and maybe my arms will get a little stronger.

What cracks me up are the stickers on the side of this thing. Aren’t they so me? 😉

And then, apparently just for fun:

Hubby thinks I ought to add a Jiu-Jitsu sticker to it also, like a piece of flair from each of its former occupants.

I thought maneuvering the knee scooter, especially in the narrow hallway, was tricky. Three-point turn? More like seven. Gracefully using the wheelchair is something else. Changing direction while backing up and not running into something is no joke. I’m not even good at that with my car! (I kid. Mostly.)

Baseboards throughout the house bear scuff marks and scratches. I will not be joining a wheelchair basketball team any time soon.

Instead I’m slowly pinballing my way through the house. Bonk. Wheel wheel. Bonk. I have determined we have too many couches. And chairs. And tables. And walls. (I kid. Mostly.)

But this is a new challenge I’m learning to overcome, a new skill to acquire. I’ll be popping wheelies in no time.

Though I should probably wear a helmet.

69 responses »

  1. Oh no! A wheelchair? Geez, this is not going in the right direction although you can carry off anything with your sense of humor and delight. So glad Joe is capitalizing on the fun though. Can you carry a cup of tea in the wheelchair? And I love the superwoman T-shirt! Perfect! I hope this part of the healing process starts to speed up! 🙏🙏❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    • I hope this part speeds up, too, Wynne. Sort of like going down hill. Hope I don’t do that on one of these wheeled things! (I went to class and saw Instructor last night. I was hoping he would be more delighted to see me than he was, but maybe I’m just overly sensitive. Anyhow, gosh I’ve missed the place. More on that later.) I’m glad, too, that Joe is enjoying his new rides. 🙂 I’m happy someone is having fun with this.

      Did I carry my steaming mug while in the wheelchair… Gosh, trying to remember. I may have been able to do it by transferring from hand to hand. Actually, I probably scooted myself along with my foot rather than using my hands on the wheels. The foot hurts far less when all my weight is in the chair.

      Liked by 1 person

    • I’m happy Joe’s getting some fun out of this. I feel bad thinking about what the girls must think of their mother, seeming so feeble now. Sensei had suggested, for safety (and one can never quite tell when he’s joking anyway) that I slide down the stairs to the dojo on my rear and then reverse the process, or just crawl, back up them. That’s not the image I want my girls remembering of their mom.

      The rest of the family wearing helmets. Ha! I’m laughing. But I’m also not arguing. 😉


      • Uhm. May I offer a different spin on the seated stair descent and ascent? It shows them not to let things keep them from going where they need and/or want to go. 🙂 YOU do not seem feeble, you are injured, and adjusting. That is a GREAT image to show your children.

        Maybe you can get a bulk discount on the helmets.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Doing what you need to do to get where you need to go. OK I can understand that take. I suppose they saw that when I was hopping up and down the stairs on my foot. Much less feeble looking than crawling.

        You know how right now they’re selling family Christmas pajamas? Maybe they should do family Christmas helmets. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  2. My mom was in a wheelchair and she ruined her walls and furniture, Betsy. I hope they figure out what’s going on with your foot soon! In the meantime, use painter’s tape to tape padding to the edges of your furniture. 😀 Then take pictures. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. While you do make it look fun with your very sweet son, that’s a long time to be out of commission, especially with the holidays approaching. We need to get you healed!

    P.S. WordPress let me log in! Yeah!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bijoux, at some point I need to tell y’all about our Thanksgiving trip. Let’s just say, it was planned well before my accident, so me being unable to walk put a serious crimp in our style. I, too, look very much forward to being whole again!

      And, yeah, wordpress! I just commented on your post again, anonymously, since that’s all it allowed. :/


  4. Well, well, well, it’s come to this – real ice packs? not nice nourishing corn or peas. Sigh… and I fully support your move to a wheelchair. You’ll heal faster and have more fun while doing that.

    My brother is a long time wheelchair user and I’m an outstanding wheelchair wrangler so here are a few tips for a better life with a wheelchair:

    Get the foot rests. You can point them straight out and use your chair to ram things, doors, chairs, children, etc.
    You can buy a cup holder for your chair. That makes moving coffee around easier, but you should likely use a cup with a secure, spill proof lid.
    Carpet your walls – this hides the damage better.
    Use a seatbelt when in the chair – just like a car, you don’t want to get thrown free.
    Furniture is for people who don’t have wheelchairs – remove the pieces you don’t need.
    Upgrade your baseboards to stainless steel, you won’t have to repaint as often.
    Never let your husband push you when he’s mad at you. You’ll end up having your feet smashed into a doorframe and will have to start the healing process all over again.
    That chair won’t work for basketball. For that you’ll need a chair that has wheels that slant inward and the foot reset is a solid aluminum bar that you can strap your feet too.
    If you don’t like basketball, there are wheelchair races and other sports to consider – the marshal arts version is just to learn how to use the foot rest as a weapon (it’s easier than you think and why I have a slight limp in my left leg).
    Get fingerless gloves. Your palms will get very dirty pushing on the wheels all day.
    Try going backwards in the chair. Then you can use your good leg to kick yourself down a hallway at high speed and if you crash, it won’t be feet first.
    You do need more stickers and perhaps a flag. One of those bike flags is nice, but do something custom with it – maybe a Jiu Jitsu flag or one of your belts.
    and finally, laundry with a wheelchair is a snap, just put the laundry basket on your lap, point you back towards the laundry room and start kicking with your good foot. After you crash, you, the laundry and your chair will be right next to the washing machine.

    If you need other tips, call me, I’m here for you.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Your wheelchair reminds me when I was going through chemo my husband got a wheelchair so he could take me to the mall and I could see the Christmas decorations (just too weak from chemo to walk a great distance.) We were coming out of the mall and my husband was hanging on tight to the wheelchair as we had to go down a slight incline. A grandmother with her little grandson (probably 7 or 8) were approaching as we were going down. The little boy looked at my husband and said, “Let go of her.” His grandmother immediately tried to hush him, but my husband and I had a good laugh.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Who knew “pinball” was a verb? Entirely descriptive of your predicament. And “sweet armpit relief” should be submitted to a deodorant company for consideration as a slogan. You could make millions. Well, maybe not millions but at least enough to afford a Jiu-Jitsu sticker for the wheelchair.


    • I’m sure pinball isn’t a verb, but it seemed an apt description, so I took liberties. You’re super funny, Dave. Love the idea of making millions from a deodorant slogan to afford a JJ sticker for the wheelchair. Ha!


  7. Well phooey. This is maybe good news, but what an inconvenience. I’m sorry you’re going through this. But you know what they say: Life’s tough, get a helmet. That way you can do your wheelies safely.


    • It’s been 2.5 months, and I likely have 2.5 more, so temporary it is not. But thank you just the same. You sound like me when I’m having issues with my computer. The temptation to throw it through a window has been strong at times. 🙂 Thanks for the comment!


  8. Ahh okay, this makes so much more sense… ack so sorry it’s come to this but yes, good advice from fellow mate, rest your good foot for sure! Keep your strength! Hope you’re back to the good ol’ you in no time my friend!!! 🙂 I’d do anything for a ride on one of those, btw lol lucky kid! LOL


  9. Pingback: Well, this is embarrassing. | Motherhood and Martial Arts

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