101 Tips for a Happier Marriage!


101 coverAt last! I am writing a post about my book, which hit shelves a couple of weeks ago. Sheesh, woman! What’s the hold up?

I have no good answer for that. So HERE it is, as well as at the publisher’s website here.

“101 Tips for a Happier Marriage” is a slim, handy, easy read filled with great practical advice that will be of benefit to all married couples, regardless of religion, age, years married, etc. If you want your good marriage or serious relationship to be great, this is the book for you.

There are tips for dealing with arguments, sharing household chores, handling criticism gracefully, offering help without being demeaning, and  more. You will have no regrets for purchasing this book for yourself and all your married or near-married friends.

This book is part of a heart-healthy diet! Pick up a copy today for yourself and all your married or engaged friends this holiday season.

[There. How was that? 😉 ]

18 responses »

  1. Congratulations!! How wonderful to see your book in print. I just checked it out. I notice it mentions ‘Catholic couples’ in the book description, but I assume the book carries relevance for any married couple? I’ll order my copy soon. 🙂

    (Welcome to the world of book marketing. Mwahahahaahhaha…)


    • Yes, that bothered me too–the Catholic part. The publisher we found is a Catholic publisher, which doesn’t bother us at all, but we didn’t want it to appear as though it’s only for Catholics. In fact, we managed to at least get them to change the subtitle to “Christian” instead of “Catholic,” though I would have rather they just said “couples.” But by all means, grab yourself a copy. People of all religions can benefit!

      Your maniacal laugh is frightening! Oh, you!! 🙂


      • It’s true. Amazon is our friend. I’m so pleased you ordered it! Thank you. Do be sure to write to me about how much you love it. 😉 OOh, and you can put a review of it on-line! If I had an e-reader (I don’t even have a smart phone!) I would have your Seneca Scourge by now. I’m sorry for not being a better, more loyal fellow-writer friend! Perhaps I should get myself a Nook just for the sake of your book!


      • Hmm. I will have to check that out. Thank you for the information! Also, I’d like to just point out that my book is rather small and is great for reading in little chunks at a time for the sake of internalizing better. I recommend people keep it in the bathroom. 😉


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