Tag Archives: Jennifer Roback Morse

Launch day!


I was not planning to post about this, especially after the news I shared last week of my author copies arriving. It just feels kind of awkward, but then I saw that there are already two 5-star reviews on Amazon. I am so tickled pink that I have to share, and the reviews take two totally different perspectives, which I thought was cool.

And yes, today is the official day that the book goes on sale. What book, you ask? Pish. This one, of course!101_tips_marrying_right_person

Here are the kind reviews:

I originally read this book with the intent of hopefully helping my brother to find a good person to share his life with. Not only does this book offer real life, easy to read, quick and applicable tools to follow as you navigate through a relationship, it also serves as a perfect parenting tool. I have two young boys at home. This book has great advice and principles that should be shared with your children BEFORE they near dating age. Why wait until your children are out of the house, or until your child willingly chooses to purchase and read this book on their own. I suggest parents read this and begin teaching these principles to their children. Then when old enough, give the book to your child for them to read on their own. Also, don’t be afraid to give this book to people already in a relationship either. How I wish I could go back in time and share with close friends those “gut” feelings I had about their chosen future spouses. Now that some of my dear friends and family members have divorced, I find myself saying “I didn’t think he/she was right for you in the first place.” Don’t be afraid…give them the book. Let them read and make wise and clear decisions for themselves BEFORE marriage. This is a GREAT book! I highly recommend it!

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