Stylish hair gel


Isn’t my son so stylish with his new spikey hair gel look?

Cool kid.

Nope. It’s just maple syrup.

Not so cool kid.
Sticky kid.

59 responses »

  1. So cute! My brother and sister are eight years younger than I am, so when they were babies/toddlers, I got to see all of the stuff they would put in their hair. They would use Spaghettio’s as hair products, which really smells and stains.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Betsy, Your son is adorable. His eyes all twinkly and full of mischief. Must take after his Mother.🙂

    An aside: I sent my daughter a link to your site. She has been writing all of her life (books included). I have been gently encouraging her to begin a blog. You always come across very friendly, kind and approachable. I wanted her to see an example of your blogging style. She has a 6 month old and a 2 year old. Hope all is well.🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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