Tooth Fairies Welcome


A quick note to show you this. My daughter made a path for the tooth fairy from the doorway to her pillow. Do you think the tooth fairy will miss it?

DSCN5116A lot of predators along the way. It’s more like running the gauntlet. Or rather, flying.

DSCN5117DSCN5118Gotta love the stairs in case she gets tired of flying. See that little blue box on a pedestal right next to the pillow? That’s the box the tooth is in. The kid’s got flair.

By my estimation, she’s too old to still believe in the tooth fairy. She said she wouldn’t but for a babysitter telling her that she once saw the tooth fairy. Thanks a lot, sitter.

Do you remember when your kids stopped believing in the tooth fairy, Easter bunny, and Santa Claus? Oh, sorry. Do you still believe? Oops. Should I have said Spoiler Alert?

63 responses »

    • She does not. Yet. Thank you for liking this here, though I know you have on FB, twice! What a super-fan you are! Though I posted it there a week ago or more, I thought it was a good excuse to post something on my dusty old blog as well.
      I’m still rooting for that spring for you! I wonder if this is the every-seven years long winter like described in Laura Ingalls Wilder’s book of the same name.

      Liked by 1 person

      • We might have turned the corner (though until the calendar says June, we’re never absolutely certain (yes, we have had May snow). Was mid-60s yesterday, and I got a run in (yippee!) and today is close to 70. Cooling off a bit this week, but if our luck holds (and amazingly it was a mere week ago that we got 12 inches of snow from a blizzard), we’ll be snow-free until November 😀

        Oh, gawd, please, no 7 yr winters…


      • Close to 70! Amazing the change in just a few days. Your garden is crying for attention, I’m sure. And did I mention I ordered a chicken coop?? 🙂 🙂


  1. By the time I was 7, I was over the tooth fairy/Santa/Bunny thing, but I realized how much fun my parents were having with so I didn’t let on until I was ten. I mean, no point in spoiling their fun, or limiting my toy and chocolate income.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. My kids never did believe. Unfortunately when they were little everything was black and white, and with autism, there was no joking and playing in such a manner, so we made the hard decision to tell them the truth, WE were the tooth fairy. One year we even sent Daddy tooth fairy the tooth while he was stationed abroad, and he sent a letter back with a foreign currency dollar. Anyways, we chose transparency, that way, we could still play the game, but they knew it was just a game, and we had to show them how the game was played because unfortunately, they had no understanding of imagination yet. Fortunately, they also understood that they were not allowed to tell other children because that was how the game worked, each family played the game, and the parents decided when to tell the kids the truth. Luckily they were so black and white, that the rules were followed, and no kid had their bubbles burst.

    Fast forward to a couple years ago, and much therapy later and our kids have much imagination. We always cook Brisket for Passover, and I don’t really know how it happened, but I’m going to blame wine and the late hour, but somehow it came out that Brisket was cat (not even kosher but obviously not Brisket). A special kind of cat. Farmed for Jewish holiday. Herded on the prairie lands. They were skeptical at first, but we got them believing. And then a while back there was that commercial with the cat herders, does anyone remember? They were die hard believers after that… Until 2 weeks ago, they finally pieced it all together that we are big liars (Dang their religious school teacher) and we all had a big laugh about it! It was fun while it lasted though.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I hope the tooth fairy doesn’t get too distracted and play with all the toys. She might forget to take the tooth and leave something under the pillow.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wouldn’t that have been awful? I would’ve had to make an excuse like she got eaten by the tiger or something. 😉 “She” has forgotten in the past. Thankfully not this time. I mean, how could she?


  4. Your kid might be too old to believe but maybe the tooth fairy is too old to fly? I say your daughter is a genius.. and obviously good things comes from mum.


  5. She’s so creative! and patient! it must have taken her a long time to sort and place her path. The question is, how did the tooth fairy reward her ingenuity? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      • I reconnected with some old friends a couple of nights ago – we haven’t really sat down with them and all of a sudden! our children seem to have all gotten older! And as parents often do, we talk about our kids! That’s when I realised we will be Parents Forever! My child will be 30 and I will still be reminiscing about her cholic!

        Anyhow, I say all this as a preamble that I love what I’ve seen of your blog! Incidentally, I found you through Janet (auntbeulahblog)


      • Oh, yeah! Janet is the best, isn’t she? Funny you still talk about when your kids were young. That’s great. Way to remember. I’m sad about how much I already forget!


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