Showing those boys what’s up.

Showing those boys what’s up.

For the first time ever, I arrived at Jiu-Jitsu and was disappointed to see Surfer Dude. I admit it: I like being demo partner. It’s actually fun, and I’ve gained a lot of confidence.

SD waited on the center of the mat while Instructor looked down the line with a finger out pointing. “Let’s go wiiiiiiiith…” his finger stopped on me. Hope surged. Would he use both of us somehow?

Then he turned, as if seeing SD standing there for the first time. “Oh, hi. How are you?”

So no demo day for me. Later I thought it would have been funny if I had said to SD, “I’ll flip you for it,” because that’s something I learned to do years ago. And if I had flipped that big dude over my back in front of everyone, it would have been epic. Alas.

Here are some way back play back images of me being flipped by SD, back in his blonde days when the nickname fit.

That was so fun and exciting for me. It takes so little, you know?

Back to the present, on the way to Saturday’s class, I considered there was a good chance SD wouldn’t be there, and I’d be demo partner.

But he was there.

Phooey. But wait…

Where was Instructor?

And so, with a class full of dudes and little ol’ me, I got to be demo partner with SD. I’m not gonna lie. Showing those guys I know what’s up felt awesome. Plus, I think I had my first perfect demo day.

I’m getting better at my “tough guy” pose, though still not as good as SD, even if my arms are just as big as his. Toooooooootally kidding!

Every time SD said, “You want to be sure you do this, because if you don’t the bad guy could…” I was already doing what the bad guy could.

The most feared words for a demo partner (or at least for me) to hear are, “Now we’ll switch and I’ll be bad guy,” because that means it’s go time for the partner to do the moves, hopefully properly.

I heard, “Very well done,” from SD multiple times. Phew! And another time a student said, “Wow,” when I did the moves quickly and smoothly.

I *almost* had a perfect class as a student, too, but when working with my partner, SD had to point out I was missing an indicator for a countermove. Drat. So close.

This class involves slapping your foot on the mat, about which Instructor has frequently said, “Not only is it correct, but, more importantly, it sounds cool.”

SD overheard me lamenting to my partner that I can never seem to get the slap down. He said, “You’ll get there. I remember my first slap. It was a beautiful thing.”

Then, at the end of class, on my last turn, a resounding slap!

From halfway across the room, SD said, “Nice, Betsy! I heard it. That was sick!”

This day shall go on the calendar to henceforth be celebrated as the day of my first slap.

Those #onlyinJiu-Jitsu phrases are really stacking up.

After our “tough guy” pose above, SD said, “What do you want to do now? Should we smile?” I considered that for a moment but decided it would be too boring. When in doubt…

Headlock. I couldn’t see his face at the time the picture was taken, but I was fairly certain he wouldn’t let me down. What a trooper.


You guys aren’t very nerdy, are you? The parts of the eye that see color are called cones, as opposed to rods, which see black and white. Fun fact: Women have more cones; men have more rods. Also, women tend to see in terms of nouns, while men see action or verbs. Wild!

New question!

Depicted as bankers in the Harry Potter series and cave-dwelling villains in The Hobbit, these mythical creatures have a name dating back to 12th-century Normandy.

49 responses »

    • I was most definitely smiling the whole way through that. I was thrilled that a daughter was with me that day so she could video it for me. I had hoped to get my first time flipping someone also on film, but it happened with some random dude whose name I forget and is no longer a student there. What a shame.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I’m not sure why, but as I was commiserating over your “first time” not being as perfect as it could have been, Jackie Kennedy’s “The first time you marry for love, the second for money, and the third for companionship” came to mind… (Hey, it could have gone down the route of a different set of firsts… :D)

        Liked by 1 person

  1. I’ve always thought you could be a bad guy if you really put your mind to it. If I got thrown like that … well the next step would be to call an ambulance.

    and they are goblins. In Lord of the Rings they are actually know as Orcs. In D&D they are generally low level creatures (2 hit die, 7-12 hit points, AC15) and a Jiu Jitsu master like you would take one out with a single punch — well maybe two punches — or a really mean look would send them running (they’re kind of cowards and like to hide a lot).

    Now in D&D, in order for you to use your Jiu Jitsu skills, I’d have to make you either a cleric, a monk or a druid … most likely a monk. Maybe an Elf, but then you’d have to learn to use a longbow and wouldn’t go around punching Goblins or Orcs or bad guys in bars/taverns.

    Let me know if you need to know more about goblins.

    Liked by 1 person

    • 1. Funny on the ambulance. 😛
      2. Yes, orcs for sure. But were there also goblins? That confused me, but I wouldn’t think this trivia book would be wrong. Perhaps there were both? Maybe more so in the books than the movies.
      3. I think I’d prefer to kick them in the face than punch them. That way I can keep my distance because… yuck. Do I get greater D&D strike power with kicks?
      4. I had no idea you were a D&Der. Or maybe I did but forgot? Either way, well “played.” 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      • 2. According to Tolkien, Orc is the Hobbit word for Goblin. There are a few references to Goblins, but mostly he used Orc for Goblin, but yes, same creature. I’ve also read that Goblins are Elves gone bad.
        3. You’d be like a 9th level Monk and you’d be able to kick, punch, whatever and at that level, you’d likely have a power boost every rounds. It’s possible your character could actually kick the head off a goblin like a soccer ball or smash it like a watermelon. They’d look at you and run.
        4. Yeah, much of my youth and a fair amount of my adulthood was spent with dice, friends and too much beer playing D&D. I don’t talk about it much … well some parts I don’t really remember …

        Liked by 1 person

      • Lol on number 4!
        Orc=goblin. It all makes sense now.
        Yes to the 9th level monk kicking heads off and smashing them like watermelon!!!! I’ve never smashed a watermelon–it would be a terrible waste of food–but it sounds like it would be kind of fun. I’ll let the monk character do it, though, and live vicariously through him. Once I polish off a few more goblins, that is and watch the rest run, the suckers.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. And for a trifecta of firsts: a first “way to go” for the resounding slap (that I agree with). WAY TO GO, wish you recorded and shared the audio file… (I was seriously thinking of attaching an audio file here myself, of a slap or of an ewe’s bleat 😛

    Liked by 1 person

    • And yet I’ve never heard it said there. Things changed in the intervening months while I was gone. Instructor used to flip SD to get him on the mat all the time. I always loved it, but no more. Maybe safety rules kicked in from higher up. No idea. But I miss the flips. :/

      Liked by 1 person

      • That’s even kind of funnier to me that it’s never been said there. This all interesting to me because I don’t know anything at all about Martial Arts. Except in the Seventies, of course, when I used to watch David Carradine kick butt on Kung Fu. But that’s kind of not the same thing, lol. 😁

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  3. “Now we’ll switch and I’ll be bad guy” 

    I get why that might cause you a pang of anxiety, but also feel it’d be fun to be a bad guy. Taking turns and all. Two sides of the same sword, huh?

    My answer to your question is: GOBLINS. I kind of thought they were cute in HP.

    Liked by 1 person

    • True, the goblins weren’t so bad in HP.

      Being bad guy is the easy part. Being good guy in front of everyone is hard. In the normal part of class, we takes turns with our partners, and that’s generally fine until I know the person in charge is watching. Then I often get a little flustered. Being introverted is not for the faint of heart. 😉


  4. I think you should create a little animated Betsy meme to act out your moves (ex. “slap!”) between the paragraphs of your posts. She’d be this adorable tiny robed educator for those of us who aren’t “on the mat”, so to speak. I can see it already; books, dolls, movies. Little Betsy could be a star!


  5. Pingback: My date with Mrs. Instructor | Motherhood and Martial Arts

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