Big ol’ slippery mat? Of course I’m going to slide on it.

Big ol’ slippery mat? Of course I’m going to slide on it.

Before I get to the main event, let’s pretend that last post didn’t happen, shall we? For the time being, I’m going to keep on keeping on. But, to be certain about my next plan of attack being legit, I needed to ask Hubby, “Do you think I can pull off this book thing?” He said, “Yeah, of course.”

So that’s that. I already have the title for chapter 1: “It was Covid, and I have a lemon tree.” How did those two facts lead me to martial arts? You’ll just have to wait and see. I’m taking pre-orders now. Kidding. 😉

Now on with the post!

The first time Instructor asked if people could help clean the mats after class, I jumped at it. Why not? The fancy vacuums, however, are not intuitive. Instructor had to say to me, “These are kind of tricky” three times as he repeatedly showed me how to put them together, turn them on, take them back apart, empty them…

When trying to put the “tank” back on the pole part, Surfer Dude said, “You make the labels match up.” He pointed at the labels. I stared at them. “It goes label to label,” he said again. Finally this computed in my brain, and I successfully put the pieces together, both literally and figuratively.

Visual interlude: This pic of SD was posted on Instagram. I commented, “That’s how I like to stand against the wall too. Feet are for chumps.”

Now that I’ve helped vacuum a few times and have learned the ropes of these bad boys, I feel like a dork for how hard it was at first. But another guy, on maybe my third time with the vacuums, said, “How did you figure that out?” when I pushed one button and pulled another lever to release the tank, “It took me about 17 tries,” I told him.

So it’s not just me!

After vacuuming comes spraying the mat with a tank of cleaning solution and a long spray nozzle. SD offered me this task. So fun!

“Do you ever spray each other?” I asked him.

“We try not to,” he said with a smile.


But I didn’t.

After the spraying is complete, there’s a big ol’ wet, shiny green mat as far as the eye can see. Until the wall.

I practically salivated. I had to surf this puppy.

Instructor did it first, expertly, of course. “Be careful,” he told me.

I slid maaaaaybe two feet before falling on my rear. “Still worth it,” I said.

Andre the Giant was making a rare appearance that night. He suggested I slide belly down in my gi.

Why not?

I wound up essentially belly flopping. “That was so unsatisfying,” I said. “Why don’t you try it?” I suggested to Andre. He was neck to ankle in polyester/nylon rash guard. He would probably slide well.

“Nah, I just wanted to see you do it.”


As I was heading to the door, he said, “When are you joining us in Master Cycle?” I’ve been asked this by my blue belt friends from the days of old several times now.

“I don’t know,” I said. “It will be a while. Just keep the mat warm for me.”

“Alright,” he said, and I was out the door.

Visual Interlude 2: So fun to see myself as the poster child for Jiu-Jitsu.

I waited eagerly for the next mat cleaning opportunity a few nights later.

The vacuuming done, I sat on the bench, tapping my feet uncontrollably, impatiently waiting for SD to fill the sprayer tank. Only Instructor, Mrs. Instructor, and SD remained.

Instructor, meticulously folding gis with the precision of a practiced surgeon, looked at me sitting there but said nothing. Mrs. Instructor poked her head out of the bathroom she was mopping and smiled at me for several beats. I merely smiled back before realizing I should explain my weird presence. (I’m always weird, but this was above and beyond.)

“Mrs. Instructor,” I called. She poked her head back out. “Do you know why I’m lingering?” She shook her head. “Because I need to mat surf again, and I need it on film this time.”

“Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you about that,” Instructor said to her.

“I figured you didn’t tell her because you were embarrassed for me,” I said. “I’m not easily embarrassed, but that belly flop wasn’t great.”

“It wasn’t that bad, actually,” he said. “I had thought, ‘Oooh. Should I tell her it doesn’t work in a gi?’ But you just went for it.”

“I have no regrets,” I said.

“It would’ve been worse if you had slid into the wall or something,” he added.

“That would’ve been hilarious,” I said. “Don’t tempt me. I have no shame.”

By this time, the mat was glistening. Mrs. Instructor trotted over to take my phone for filming.

“I fully expect to fall again, but I’m okay with that.”

I slid and didn’t fall, but also didn’t slide very far. Meh.

“The best is when you go diagonal across the mat,” SD said and called me over to the corner he was standing in.

Much better distance. Wobbled but didn’t fall.

Very satisfying. I didn’t look at any of them as they witnessed my antics and I kept them from finishing their cleaning and going home, (eh-heh-heh) but Instructor was smiling broadly in the background of the video. That’s him saying, “There you go.”

What would I do without these people in my life?


The last question was: She played Princess Mia Thermopolis of Genovia and shares a name with Shakespeare’s wife.

The answer was Anne Hathaway.

New question: Which of the eye’s photoreceptor cells is responsible for processing color in relatively bright light?

65 responses »

      • My friends call me Booky, because yeah, while I am full of BS, most people feel funny calling me that 😉

        I was just thinking, I don’t know if I could handle seeing Mrs B with bruises like yours and have her do the stuff you do.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Booky is great! Am I allowed to use that for you too?

        Hubby knows bruises don’t hurt me. I only know they’re there because I happen to notice them eventually. So at least there’s that. I’m still waiting for a stranger, probably an older woman, to pull me aside privately and ask me about them. I hope it happens, actually, it would be so funny and blog worthy!!

        Liked by 1 person

      • If you feel comfortable using Booky instead of Bookstoogesan, or Your Majesty, then by all means go right ahead. If someone is willing to talk to me, I count that as friendship 😉

        I was actually thinking of a situation like that. If it happens, I sure do hope you blog about it. That would be epic!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Loved the video. Looks like it would be fun. What struck me was how entertaining the world is if you keep your eyes open. No I have no idea which of the eye’s photoreceptor cells is responsible for processing color in relatively bright light?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. love the slide! and live and learn, right? years ago, I decided to belly slide down a slip and slide with the kids and balked at the last second, jerking back, hitting my head and getting a concussion. you are way ahead of me.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. There’s this trend–a lot of people that I work with are into it–they watch videos of professional cleaners cleaning things: driveways, rugs, etc.–they say it’s very relaxing and satisfying to see everything clean. The vacuuming reminded me of that–I’d much rather watch people vacuum than try to do it myself. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Looks like fun until someone gets hurt! Oh, Betsy!

    As good as I am at puzzles, I struggle with putting together 3D objects, so I’d struggle with the vacuum. No clue on the eye question. I know the words cornea and retina, but that’s it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I did this four times and came out unscathed. I’m used to falling on that squishy mat, after all. 🙂

      The vacuum was stupidly complicated IMO, at first. But once you get the hang of it, it’s not so bad, as is the case with most things in life.

      The clue, as I gave John: it’s what you put ice cream into. 😉


  5. Mat surfing looks so fun, Betsy. I can see why you love going to class so much because the people make it such a welcoming and fun place to be and to learn together!


    • You know, I didn’t actually think about it, but you’ve got to be right about the sliding in a gi part! And he was way too good at the sliding to have not done it a few times. I should try to get him to slide belly down in his rash guard. That or have SD pull me around by the arm. Ooooh, I really need to stop coming up with ideas. Now I won’t be content until I make them happen. 😛

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh my goodness…SUCH a post…but I’m not gonna lie. Your “parentheticals” made me laugh. Especially this one: “I’m always weird, but this was above and beyond.” Cheers to you! 😜🥰😜

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Which photoreceptor? It’s gotta be Bob. He was trained specifically for that task.

    And: you have a lemon tree, too?!?!

    (I think you missed the comment where Janis was dissing your oranges, claiming hers are superior. I was hoping a catfight might ensue.)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mark, Mark, Mark, prepare to have your mind blown. I have TWO lemon trees actually. One is a Meyer lemon, if you’re familiar with those. People around here go ape for those. I’d never heard of them before moving to this house. Same with loquats. Who knew?

      We have two baby citrus trees born from the others that we’ve replanted elsewhere in the yard to give them space. We don’t yet know if they’ll turn out to be lemon or orange. It will be fun to watch them mature and find out. Well, we’ll find out. I presume they already know.

      Apparently I did miss a comment! Thanks for pointing that out. I’ll go look. She lives near me. We might have to get together and have a taste off.

      Also, good ol’ Bob! Still wrong, but great guess! 😛

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Last post? You mean the one where you thought you’d end up in a wheelchair with your kids pushing you around the nursing home? I don’t remember that one.

    That’s a great title not only for the first chapter, but possibly the whole book. I’d write a book with that title, but I don’t have a lemon tree. I had a lemon tree before covid, but I don’t have one no, so maybe my book will be titled, “I lost my lemon tree to covid.”

    I’ll preorder the book now, but I want a signed copy.

    Surfer dude doesn’t surf the mats? Something is wrong with that.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Your book title made me laugh! And, yes, Andrew, that previous post didn’t happen. I’m only now realizing the irony of following that one with me mat surfing, in my ankle brace, potentially falling, which I did the first time I attempted surfing.

      I’m a conundrum even to myself. I think I need a cat. Maybe that will help.

      Signed copy it is! Also, SD refused to surf! He said he’s no good at it and kept saying, “No, Instructor is the one who’s good at it.” Pishaw! I could’ve sworn I’d seen him do it once before. Meh. Whatever.

      Liked by 1 person

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