In which I show my blog buddies I care.


Exhibit A: Fried Pickles


Fried pickles

When I saw the words “fried pickles,” I set my menu down. No need to check the other options, thanks to Mark’s praise of fried pickles on his blog, Swinged Cat. I’d already eaten and just needed a little something, so this hit the spot. Fried with cajun seasonings and dipped in ranch dressing, they were so delicious. Thanks for that tip, Mark!

Exhibit B: Starbucks Raspberry Latte


One tall latte with raspberry syrup.

In Andrew’s recent post at Andrew’s View of the Week, he talked about getting Starbucks raspberry lattes, compelling me to comment that I had no idea such a thing existed. He, ever the kind, compassionate one, responded: “You need to get out more.”

So this morning I got out, took to the drive thru, (my son requesting french fries. “This isn’t that kind of drive thru, Joseph.”) scanned the menu, and didn’t see a raspberry latte option. When asked for my order, I inquired if there was such a drink.

“We can add raspberry syrup to anything,” the woman said–out loud. In the back of her mind I heard, “Where you been, ya newb?”

So I got my raspberry latte, and it was oh so tasty. Thanks, Andrew!

Exhibit C: The Notation on my Calendar


March has arrived! And with that will come my dear blog buddy, Julie from FacetsofaMuse. I can hardly wait until two weeks from now when she’s “in town” for a writer’s conference. I got to meet her 2.5 years ago when I was in her state, 1.5 hour’s drive away from her. Not only did she bear construction traffic to meet me, she bought my tea(!), spent maybe 1.5 hours with me, then drove 1.5 hours back home again!

I’ll only have about a 45 minute drive, one way, to see her, construction traffic unlikely. This time I’ll buy her tea! So very much looking forward to it, Julie!

Exhibit D: The Title for This Post

Inspired by Ally Bean over at TheSpectacledBean, because she frequently titles her posts in just such a manner.

One of the best things about blogging, is the friends we make along the way. Even if I haven’t mentioned you by name, know that I’m thinking of, and appreciate, all of you!

What new things have you tried recently, or what are you looking forward to this month?


45 responses »

  1. I echo your feelings, Betsy – the camaraderie & the wonderful things I learn are such powerful draws of being in this community.

    I don’t think I’ve ever had fried pickles – but I love all fried things and I love pickles …. so I can just imagine they would be fabulous!

    Isn’t Starbucks dreamy? Now that you remind me, you can tailor any of their drinks – I love to have peppermint in my hot chocolate – but apparently the peppermint syrup isn’t always available. Now that I am talking about this, I have a Starbucks yearning 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Ha! Starbucks yearning. I think you’re right about the peppermint. That might be a Christmas thing. I did actually think of YOU also with this post because my calendar says “Third Sunday of Lent.” Most of my blog buddies won’t get the significance of that. 🙂


  2. Thanks for the shout out. I like to write title that are a bit ridiculous, but I guess you figured that out.

    I’ve had fried pickles, but wouldn’t order them a second time.

    I’ve never had raspberry syrup in a coffee and won’t be trying that. I don’t like sweetness in coffee.

    I’m glad you’re getting the opportunity to get together with another blogger. Oddly enough I just might be doing the same thing this month.

    [Also, the name of my blog is The Spectacled Bean, as in the wearing of eyeglasses. But you almost got the name right, and that counts for a lot.]

    Liked by 2 people

  3. These are cucumber pickles? My experience has been that the line in “Seinfeld” that cooked cucumber tastes terrible is correct. Is it different if the cucumber’s pickled first? Does it matter whether it’s a salt or vinegar pickle?

    Liked by 2 people

  4. OMG I tried fried pickles for the first time a couple of months ago when I went to dinner with my daughter. She said she had to have them and would I eat half. I said ahhhh I don’t know never had them. Well as you know they are delicious!!! I have yet to make my own.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Oh man, I feel so bad for being so far behind … I would so try fried pickles! I love pickles, and hey, just about anything fried is good, right? And raspberry latte sounds great (though I don’t patronize Starbucks on purpose–too bitter, though with enough raspberry syrup …)

    Yippee! Can’t wait to see you! It’s been that long?? We so have to remember to take a picture this time! Counting the days! I’ll be on my way to SD in two days 😀


    • True–I have yet to try anything fried that wasn’t good. Wait! No. I take it back. I tried fried bananas at a Chinese restaurant. Not good, I’m afraid. I don’t recommend. I prefer my coffee to be sweet as all get out, so I always get the frou-frou drinks a the Bucket of Stars.
      On a plane in two days! Hip hip hooray!!


  6. Hi Betsy, I remember reading about Mark’s fried pickles. They actually look like they would taste great! I love Ally and her posts! I have written a couple of similar posts called ‘When blog world meets real world.’ I am fortunate that I have met a few bloggers. I totally agree how “one of the best things about blogging, is the friends we make along the way.” I am glad our paths crossed. I have subscribed to your blog and I look forward to reading more. 🙂 Erica


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