Where are they learning this?!


ninja-3620641_960_720My younger two girls decided to dress as tourists, complete with hats, purses, and a camera. Interesting, I thought.

Then one gave me a bright smile and said, “We’re robbing a museum! We’ve got our ninja clothes on underneath.” She lifted her pant leg to show me her black pants. “We packed gloves to cover our fingerprints, and I’ve got ninja stars in my purse.”

The younger daughter pulled out a toy phone. “And I’ve got this to communicate with!”

They set toys up around the room to pretend to steal.

ninja-3620645_960_720While standing together in front of one item, the older observed, “This is two thousand years old.”

Good thing they weren’t standing in front of me.

Oldest daughter, seeing me write this, informs me that she was playing the role of museum guard, and that she kept getting tranquilized. Also, little Joe stole her sword.

I’m glad they’re finding ways to keep themselves entertained, but who’s training them to become thieves?!

My thanks to DavidRockDesign from Pixabay for the images.

48 responses »

    • They do so much that I think, “Well, at least it’s good for a blog post!” I imagine they get this from the adventure stories they read. I mean, they must, right?? Surely they don’t know what I’ve been up to once they go to bed! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I am so. far. behind. Yeesh. Talk about creative imaginations! They need to write all these pretend stories they act out down on paper. You have some budding authors (or actors 😀 ). And Joe! I personally think he’s going to be a cat whisperer and heart breaker (with a little comedy relief thrown in 😀 )

    Liked by 1 person

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