Did I mention *I* have a new book out too?


In the book launch furor for my beloved blog buddies, (Oooh, BBB!) it occurred to me that I might as well mention that my third book hit shelves last week. BEHOLD:


Amazon and Barnes and Noble will get the book in about a month, but the publisher has it now.

Here are a few excerpts:

It helps knowing that I’m not the only parent who messes up. I saw a picture of a t-shirt tag that bore the instructions: “Remove child before washing.” I mean, if that has to be stated for some parents, I can’t be doing too badly.
Some days your children are just going to be fussy, like they’re taking turns or have it scheduled on a secret calendar. Keeping a sense of humor helps. Once I asked a friend how her kids were. She responded: “For sale.”
Though I’m no athlete, it doesn’t stop my friends who wake up at 5:30 to run, from trying to convince me to join them. There must be something to it, though, as they seem very happy. Also insane, but crazy people do tend to laugh a lot, so it’s hard to tell the difference. My workout comes from lifting the baby on my legs while I lie on the floor. He cracks up and that makes me crack up too — until he drools into my mouth.
Any brand of silliness is bound to earn you points with your kids. My mom would often say, “You in the pink dress.” No one was wearing a dress. Or pink.
Buy it for the parents in your life, or for yourself if you enjoy a good laugh, and let’s be honest: Who doesn’t?
BBBs: I didn’t organize a Blog Hop because I’m not as cool as you. If anyone would like to do a shout out, I certainly won’t stop you. Feel free to copy what you like from this post, or ask me for more if you just can’t get enough of all this.

74 responses »

  1. “Remove child before washing” reminded me of the Tide commercial with the clothed girl and boy submerging into the running washing machine and then emerging clean. Really spooked me as a child, made me fear washing machines.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hahahaha “ Some days your children are just going to be fussy, like they’re taking turns or have it scheduled on a secret calendar. Keeping a sense of humor helps. Once I asked a friend how her kids were. She responded: “For sale.” I would love to check it out:)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, MamaBuzz. There’s loads of funny in here. The book is helpful in multiple ways (good laughs and sound advice) for all mamas (and the papas). I hope you do check it out and love it! If you prefer Amazon, you can always pre-order and have a pleasant surprise when it shows up at your door. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Here’s paragraph 1: For most people, parenthood begins with an infant, and that’s sort of a raw deal. Sure, they’re cute and cuddly and they can’t yet dump all your Tupperware on the kitchen floor or unravel an entire roll of t.p. into the toilet, but they’re still just plain hard. I know because I currently have one. Or rather, we have one. I made the mistake of referring to him as “my baby” within earshot of my seven-year-old. “He’s not your baby, Mom. He’s our baby, too.” I stand corrected. When our baby was overdue, my fellow mom friends felt so much sympathy for me. I, on the other hand, relished how easy he was to take care of while still inside of me. All his needs were being met, no poopy diapers had to be changed, and I could cart him everywhere with my hands free. He was like a Bluetooth baby.

        Liked by 2 people

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