Kids are funny


The girls were looking at their baby albums. My middle daughter, the most dramatic of the bunch by far, announced in a grandiose voice, “It’s time for the tale of the babies! Part One: Baby Gemma grows up!”

Also while looking at their pictures they saw their favorite stuffed animals when they were brand new. “Look how young Momma Bear and Ribbity are! Momma Bear was so fluffy back then.” I couldn’t help but laugh. They sounded like me when I look at pictures of my husband and myself from long ago. We were both much fluffier then.

26 responses »

  1. Cuddling with our favorite fluffies never goes out of style, eh? And in regards to your Reply above, yes I absolutely hate the thought of looking at the kids pics and seeing how far they have come then thinking of those same years for me and where did they go? Happy Holidays PIF!


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