Take the balloons. Leave the money.

Cover of "The Godfather (Widescreen Editi...

This picture has nothing to do with the story. I’m just using it for the sake of those who might not have gotten my “Take the cannoli; leave the gun” reference in the title of this post. Get it now? You’re welcome.

We had a party at our house a few weeks ago to celebrate my daughter’s Confirmation.  At one point during the day, I went into the bedroom and found my two nieces, four and five-years-old, tying their balloons to a candle stand and playing with the change jar my husband keeps in our room. I told them, “You girls shouldn’t be playing in here. Why don’t you take your balloons in the other room?”  They complied quickly, untying their balloons, then pausing to ask, “Can we take the money with us?”

Anne, mother of 7

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