Here comes my son!

Driver in a Mitsubishi Galant using a hand hel...

And the horn’s going off in 5… 4… 3…2…

I have a theory that good kids are just saving up their badness for high school. That seems to be what happened with my son, who had always been a good boy. Then, when he was a senior, he kind of went nuts.

There was a party he really wanted to go to. Because the circumstances were shady, i.e. I was given few details and was, we’ll say, highly discouraged from calling the mother of the friend whose house the party would be at, I forbade him to go.

Naturally, he was displeased. So, on the night in question, when I discovered he had left the house, I called his cell phone. Amazingly, he answered, and I told him in no uncertain terms that he was to turn around this instant. You know the drill. But what happened next was something neither of us could have predicted.

My son was so angry, he slammed his fist down on the steering wheel and somehow dislodged the horn mechanism. This didn’t mean that his horn simply went off. It went off and kept blaring all the way home, in the late evening, for several miles. At that point, he had no choice but to come home anyway, because he needed my husband to fix it. Naturally, we heard him coming loud and clear and were ready for him!

-Judy, mother of 1

17 responses »

  1. he couldn’t go to the party like that! How embarrassing! That’s why he returned home. If he had buddy that could fix it, you can bet he would have hit up his friend. That’s a great story he’ll remember to tell his kids!


  2. haha..this cracked me up because I can just picture him all the way home, embarrassed, already upset about the party now he has this blaring horn.. too funny!!


  3. Something similar happened in our family. Child # 5, a boy, wanted to go an overnight party at a friend’s house.Mom and dad were divorced. I happened to see mom and she said her ex often bought beer for the kids and if she found out they had beer on this overnight, she would call the police. I mentioned this to #5 (he was in high school also and could drive himself anywhere). I told him I would not say he couldn’t go but I did want him to know that if the police did show up and even if he hadn’t been drinking, he would still be found guilty. I left it up to him to decide what to do.
    He chose on his own not to go. All family dynamics are different I know but this approach seemed to work well in our family. You need to begin using this technique at a young age and slowly build up to more and more individual responsibility.
    Mary, mother of 8


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