Talk about the ultimate backfire

English: The Monkey brains in the Manchu Han I...

The Monkey brains in the Manchu Han Imperial Feast, Tao Heung Museum of Food Culture, Fo Tan, Hong Kong(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

My three-year-old was being even more of a picky eater than usual. When I was struggling to get her to touch her chicken, I thought providing a less desirable option would do the trick. So I asked her, “Do you want to eat your chicken or monkey brains?”

She eagerly responded, “Monkey brains!”

Calvin and Hobbes failed me!

-Paul, father of 3

9 responses »

  1. Hi there – I’m a mother of 3 children, one of whom just left home, and this is an old story about her…

    Like us all, I work hard to instill my children with some empathy and tact, so I was mortified when my 4-year old, on passing a rather generously proportioned woman, muttered “ooh look, a big fat lady”. Horrified I stopped her and had a discussion about how that woman would have felt if she heard the comment.
    “Well”, my daughter replied, “I actually said ‘I love you’, but I said it in Spanish and that’s why you didn’t understand me.
    And no – we are not a bilingual household!


  2. Actually, as I recall, Calvin’s mom said the chicken WAS monkey brains–at which point he gobbled it up! (Of course, it kind of ruined his dad’s appetite…)


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