Liebster Award


As prescribed by the rules of the blogging community, I’d like to thank the academy as well as Lora Banks,  for nominating Parenting is funny for this Liebster Award. (If my one semester in Austria serves me, I believe liebster has something to do with love in German–or Duetsch, if you will.)

(Okay, and seeing that little heart image helps too.)

So, go check out Lora’s fun blog, f-words: family, food, fun and other words that begin with the letter f. In case you can’t tell, it’s a pretty funny place.

I’m also supposed to pass the award and give kudos to five other bloggers I enjoy. So, even though I see that coffeepoweredmom is the one who gave this award to Lora, I’m going to give it right back and mention her anyway because I like her style.

Ilovethishusbandandwifestuff is also a cool place I like to visit.

BellyButtonBlues because she gave me my first award and was my first real blog friend, and no, not just because she gave me an award. Sheesh, people.

Mama Bear Matters I have a lot of respect for.

And finally, lazyhippiemama. Come on. Just read her name. You’ve got to check her out.

But most of all, thanks to all you lovely people who take the time to read what I take the time to write.

God bless you and your families!


16 responses »

  1. Here’s a cyber-hug to a gal whose short little anecdotes liven up our days! Thanks, too, Betsy, for nominating me for my very FIRST Liebster Award. I’m glad you translated because I had no idea what it meant (in spite of the little red heart.


  2. Pingback: Blogging is an Awarding Experience! | merlinspielen

  3. Pingback: Through the words of merlinspielen, my Liebster Blog Award source | HulyaY

  4. Pingback: Thank you, dear merlinspielen my Liebster Blog source! | HulyaY

  5. Hi Betsy,

    I apologize for my delayed response. I’ve been battling with a tantrum-ridden toddler lately and my blogging habit had to be set aside temporarily as I learn to deal with my son’s biting and kicking when he doesn’t get his way : (

    Thank you so sincerely for including me on the list of blogs that you enjoy.

    I am really flattered because I find your writing so witty and to receive a compliment from you is a real treat!!!

    Thank you for your encouragement and support, not only for the nomination, but for always sharing such relatable and honest stories with your readers.

    How are your daughters doing this summer??


    • MBM, you are quite welcome! I’m sorry about your tantrumy toddler. Yes, we’ve all been there. It isn’t fun, but it will pass eventually! Funny you should ask about my daughters. The 7 and 4 year old had their first swim lessons yesterday. Perhaps I should have started them younger. It did NOT go well. But thankfully, they are willing to give it another go today. Sigh. Amazing what those teachers put up with! But fortunately, there was one little boy who, after finally being coaxed INTO the water, climbed back out and ran away screaming! I say fortunately only because it means that my child wasn’t the worst! I should have told that woman about this blog! Ha!

      Take care!


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